space to imajin

Hello! Well I’ve been blogging since 2004 and it’s time to move the blog to my domain on the The Imaji Nation. This will be the last post at this url. So please join me at:

See you there!

After 9/11, this country had a lot of compassion from countries around
the world. Within a short amount of time, we were hated. How did that
happen? We had no dialog with other countries because they just plain
hated us. I think we know who is responsible for that. What’s
different today is that we have a new chance, a new beginning. The
world is excited about Barack Obama and the new United States.
Let’s keep it that way!

Donald J. Trump

The most important thing I can tell my players is: ‘Learn to be more
professional. Play the same way all the time.’ They need to give their
all on the pitch every time they step out there, no matter who the
opponent is. You can’t give 50 per cent sometimes and then expect to
turn it on like a switch when you need to. That’s not the spirit of a
good footballer and I am going to be sure I grind this into the lads

John Barnes, Jamaica’s new football coach

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — Miriam Makeba, the South
African singer who wooed the world with her sultry voice but was banned
from her own country for more than 30 years under apartheid, died after
collapsing on stage in Italy. She was 76.

Over her career, Miriam Makeba sang with performers including Nina Simone, Harry Belafonte and Paul Simon.

Over her career, Miriam Makeba sang with performers including Nina Simone, Harry Belafonte and Paul Simon.

In her dazzling career, Makeba performed with musical legends from
around the world — jazz maestros Nina Simone and Dizzy Gillespie,
Harry Belafonte, Paul Simon — and sang for world leaders such as John
F. Kennedy and Nelson Mandela.

more from CNN

If a picture is worth a thousand words…here’s four thousand.

As I watch these united states vote in this major election, there are a gazillion things running through my head. I’m thinking about Obama up in the polls, the death of his Grandma, the fact that I can’t vote as a non-citizen, why do I even care even though I don’t have a say.

I have been blogging and twittering and posting to Facebook like a rabid pundit. I go to CNN and the Huffington Post waaay too often. I have followed every little detail and update. It wasn’t until this very morning though that one of the most insightful little tit-bits ran across my eyes. I was able to watch it live. Dennis Hopper related that short anecdote about Obama. I thought of many things. The most important though occured to me as I started to write this post. Why do I care about this election and I can’t vote. The story that he relates about him in the elevator with Barack was a penetrating insight into the person that Barack seems to be. If he truly is this way it shows why people have been fired up and ready to go for him at a moments call. Why his color is not a scar, he just happens to be black (or half black if you wanna split hairs). Granted, lets say he is just putting on, lets say he is disengenous. I strongly doubt that is the case though.

But back to the main question, why do I care, because Barack is not a candidate that one simply votes for. He is an idea that the world has been hoping for. The idea that a politician can be decent, thoughtful, sincere and maybe even honest.

If he truly is all these things, it will give people that truly want to help thier countries and communities the vigor, the fire and the passion to run for public office because they can say, have you heard of Obama, do you know of Barack. He is not like the rest. He will be the measure, the new standard by which every single politician will be judged, even IF he does not win.

A transformational figure he truly is. if Barack was merely just another mawgah (slim) basketball-playing, smooth talking politician from Chicago that just happened to have a white mom and a black Dad, today’s election would be between McCain and Hillary. No, Barack is an idea. He is a fruit of the global Zeitgist that refuses to be unheard anymore.

May God bless America, and everywhere else.

A lil something for those that think white space is a waste of space. Why does white space work?


The power of contrast can quickly put focus on a relatively small element in a design.1

The car industry needs to stop teasing us with these sexy materials and build them already. For over 10 years I’ve been seeing these materials in cars and they cannot figure out how to feasibly bring them to market. If you can’t, stop teasing!


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